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Prostate Enlargement

Best Surgeon for Cancer Diagnosis for Prostate Enlargement at MITR Urology Associates in Navi Mumbai

Mitr Hospital Navi Mumbai is a leading provider of urology care, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions affecting the urinary tract. These include urologic cancers, male sexual issues, urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, urinary stone disease, male infertility, and prostate problems. The Mitr Hospital specializes in advanced treatments and diagnostics for Prostate Enlargement by Dr. Manish Dubey and Dr. Vijay Kumar Yadav with centers at Panvel, Kharghar, Ulwe, and Vashi.

Severe Prostatomegaly Masquerading as Benign Prostate Enlargement - Diagnosed as Early Cancer

Best Benign Prostate Enlargement Treatment at MITR Urology Associates and Hospital in Navi Mumbai, with centres at Panvel, Kharghar, Ulwe, and Vashi.

A 59 yr old gentleman had urinary problems in form of increased urinary frequency during day time with feeling of some amount of urine still remaining into the urinary bladder even after completion of urination (which in medical term is called as ‘incomplete emptying of bladder’). So he went to one urologist with his complaint and was advised urine routine test and ultrasound of his abdomen (sonography or ultra-sonography). His urine routine showed slightly increased pus cells (6-7 pus cells/hpf) into urine. His ultrasound (USG-KUB) showed very high prostate volume (90cc or 90gm) (grossly enlarged prostate or huge prostatomegaly) with post-void residual volume (PVRU) of 300cc. He was advised immediate surgery for such a huge prostate and very high PVRU (normal PVRU is around 2-3cc). The surgery advised was TURP (trans-urethral resection of prostate).

“Surgery” being one of the most horrified word for any normal human being, patient stood aghast with the word surgery. And so he went for second opinion from another urologist and he was advised the same surgery by the other urologist as well. But patient was not convinced again and he went for the third opinion.

After online search, he went to MITR Hospital at kharghar which has a ‘dedicated urology team’ for prosate cancer with the cumulative experience of more than 22years. There he met one of the best urologists of Navi Mumbai.

After going through his report, he for the first time underwent prostate examination by the urologist who put his finger in his anus (called as DIGITAL RECTAL EXAMINATION (DRE) in medical terms) which is a very commonly test or u can say examination done for all prostate problems. As soon as DRE was done, he was advised to get some more test done as doctor was suspicious of tumour into the prostate, which can be very easily missed by anyone. Serum PSA was done which was slightly raised (6 ng/ml) (normal is 4 ng/ml). His mpMRI (multi-parametric MRI) was done for prostate which showed huge prostatic enlargement but with multiple benign nodules, which means there is no cancer as per MRI.

DIAGNOSIS DILEMMA: This caused diagnostic dilemma for the urologist – MRI was saying no cancer but urologists experienced finger examination (DRE) and serum PSA were saying there could be prostatic cancer. This prostate enlargement can be due to benign reason (which commonly occurs in old age) or due to prostate cancer/malignancy. Reason for prostate enlargement is very important as treatment for both of them is very very different. (details about benign prostatic enlargement is covered in another blog)

So the urology team alongwith sonologist did USG (TRUS) GUIDED PROSTATIC BIOPSY. As internationally mentioned or u can say as per international (AUA or EUA) guidelines, the urologist took 13 cores biopsies (means prostate biopsy from 13 different areas of prostate – 12 from fixed areas and 1 from suspicious area). The biopsy report showed that one core was showing prostatic cancer (prostate adenocarcinoma) with Gleason’s score (GS) of 3+4.